Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Blog Secrecy Act I

...it happens that I got to hear that some diwmit lacked common courtesy in such measures that certain people connected to my life had been told about basically everything I had been blabbering about at Facebook.
This person never made any indications that one knows people I know and apparently this person's sole fun was to hunt down my life... based on things I heard.

It makes me sick to even think of that. It makes me sick to think that someone has such devious mind that they get kicks out of my ultimately dull life and find it worth to be blabbed about. It makes me sick that some people have no guts to tell that someone that they are a guttless dimwit for doing so. And it makes me sick that some people really just are THAT stupid.

Anyway, this all lead me to be WAY more cautious at FB and hide certain blog posts and when I blog about certain things it'll be friends-only from now on.

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