Friday, 11 June 2010

WIP Diet might be in order

I have lately found out that I have tons of WIPs and while trying to kit yet another project (it is Lady's project, it does not count!) I stumbled upon few more. It made me thinking that I may need some WIP dieting, though it would actually mean that I had to collect all my WIPs in one pile and I am not quite sure am I mentally prepared for it yet!

But honestly speaking I think that I have a problem, bad case of startitis and even more severe case of not-finishingitis (or maybe it is simply called hypothyroidism), and that eventually I need to do something to them.

I was thinking that in order to make it at least a bit nicer WIP diet I could set goals, like being able to start a new project after finishing two WIPs - and well, Lady's projects wouldn't count anyway so basically I get my starts from there.

By the way, did you notice, a really stitchy entry (not just pretty pictures of newly acquired stash, even though it is always good *grin*) after such a long while? Maybe I am really getting back to myself again!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

And on the seventh day...

Well, generally I love the stuff. Thyrosine, I mean, but the nasty part is that certain symptoms get worse for a while (like feeling pressure in my throat, coarse speech etc.).
I foresee much higher dosage than prescribed, even though I am not taking the prescribed dosage yet.

As the doc said my energy levels are probably the first thing recovering... well, they are, but for some reason I think that having bouts of energy is almost more irritating than having none at all: now I know how it should be and those few minutes per day are not enough for me. I want normal energy levels now!
Impatient, me?

I was reading the summary regarding my visit this morning and noticed that The Doc had interesting choice of words: "TSH 3,7, T4-V and T3 within normal levels." I read that: "TSH is higher than it should be."

The most interesting thing those little pills have improved has been my ankle: since the accident it has been misbehaving and hurting, but I have just been too lazy to see a doctor about it (actually I saw one on week six - "just wait for a week and come back if it still hurts").

And today, all the sudden it does not hurt, there are no needles in my ankle when I run up and down the stairs at railway stations and I am not screaming in pain when my ankle twists for reason or another.
I actually suspected this, but it feels SO good to be right.

Little white pills.

Friday, 4 June 2010

It wasn't me...

... it was a pink elephant, called Lou, sitting on my right shoulder...

Teach Yourself Hardanger Embroidery - Share on Ovi

floss - Share on Ovi Fabrics - Share on Ovi

...and Lou went crazy at 1-2-3 Stitch! some time ago.

Twice, actually.

And as you may have noticed from the picture with floss I still have my turquoise period: I accidentally ordered five skeins of Weeks Dye Works' Blue Topaz.

"Ooops", in a good way.

And that scrumptious purple linen - also by WDW - is something I just had to buy because of the colour - and it is cheap(ish) too! (There was also a beautiful shipment of gorgeous earrings from KittyAndMe's Etsy store - but I will share them later, when I am able to get a decent picture of them.)

In other news: thyroxine seems to be working! ^^

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

I knew it!

I saw the endocrinologist today.

It was such a stressing experience, I couldn't sleep well the night before and was very anxious whole morning...

...but the main thing is that the doctor thought that it is much more useful to test what thyroxine does to me than spend, like the other doctors, years arguing about the diagnostics of hypothyroidism.

And even though my values are still within the allowed limits my symptoms, family history and swollen thyroid (can we say goiter?) are enough to justify prescribing the medication.

So, Houston... we have thyroxine!

We agreed to meet again around September and see how the medication has affected to my health - and if it has affected positively The Doc will up the dosage, as in his opinion 0,1 mg is not enough in my case, and apparently give me the official hypothyroidism diagnose.

No matter how it makes me sound I am HAPPY!
It took over two years, but finally a doctor listened to me and examined me and admitted that I have probably been right all along.

This is why some people are called specialists.

Writer's Block: Bitter aftertaste


Basically I have never gave a damn when it came to roommate's or friend's musical preferences - though admittedly I do not think too highly of a person who listens solely of one artist or genre. Being a person with very varying musical taste I find it disturbing that there is someone who can be so limited, strict or just plain boring.

When it comes to love music has played a big part and it has usually been unifying factor (excluding Dan's love for Mozart, whereas I can not stand most of Mozart as it shuts my brain): without my love for music I had never ever met or got to know Sonnenschein or Wolfie (in Wolfie's case this is more than true).

Though we have never discussed much about music with Mr. Wonderful we seem to share at least some preferences (soul, jazz etc.) and the differences we have haven't been an issue.

I have also found several music styles I love because of love. Had I ever learned about Indian, Brazilian, Thai or Nigerian modern music without the persons who matter the most, I can not say, just assume that I hadn't.

But detract? I would love to say that am too stubborn to that, but I have to say that in a way it happened back in past as I want to please the person I love too much and thought that suppressing my own personality to support the one I loved was a good idea. Well, it wasn't and I learned my lesson: music is a big part of who I am and one should be able to enjoy the music one loves.