Thursday, 30 July 2009


As you may remember boys moved to my mother's when Mr. W. moved to Finland. Even though I am happy that they seem to enjoy their life at my mother's I am not completely sure what I should think about they liking it there more than here (I claim it comes with having bigger social setting as there is six cats now).

I base my theory of them liking it better there to certain evidence, like this picture. Neko loves to spend his days out nowadays, he even walks in to the (and back) cage by himself - Neko who in the past never went out at my mother's place unless he was taken there.
Seiichi, who is extremely shy cat ask food every morning - and he sleeps with my mother (he used to be afraid of her)!Masa, on the other hand, is his usual loving self.

Actually Seiichi seemed to be worried on Monday, when I went to see my mother, that I am taking him from there. He didn't come close to me before I told him that I was just visiting (even though I will go to look after them when Mr. W. travels)...

Regardless, it's good that they like it there.

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