Saturday, 22 November 2008

Actually I am alive and well, but...

... lately I have just spent all my days at work or sleeping and have barely had energy to do anything in addition of working because of the anaphylaxis and the cortisone treatment.
Luckily the symptoms have vanished (mostly, at least) and I have noticed an interesting additional benefit of high dose of cortisone: my leg hairs haven't been growing since I started the medication.

Admittedly I know that I am just asking for trouble by working this much and sacrificing my days off when I am asked to come to work: my plan is to actually have next two days off I have in the end of coming week - I need to as I am planning to get influenza vaccination and I may get slight cold from it and it's better that I am off when the side effects strike.
But, on the other hand I know why I am so willing to be the one who saves the day by coming to work when needed: it's not that much about the money, but about not having to be at home when Mr. Wonderful is not here as more or less surprisingly I find it quite confusing not to have him here close to me at all times.

What makes it even more difficult is that because of the news he received when he arrived back to Europe we won't probably see before I go there (hopefully in the beginning of January) as at the moment he just simply can't take that time off. (Which makes the situation probably even more stressfull for both of us as we miss each other and I know that he would need me there more than usual at this moment. If we could spend some time together he would have a possibility to forget about his stress for a minute, relax a bit and concentrate on finer things of life: us.)
So, it's easier for me to spend my days working as I can distract myself and concentrate on customers and my duties - and of course being paid for it is an additional bonus (it pays my newly found eBay addiction (which probably is partially caused by missing Mr. W. - though admittedly I have been justifying postages and bid on things I might sell on a local auction site ($1 leaflets/ booklets will very likely pay themselves back through there) and some items for couple of friends)).

But, as we always remind each other: there will be a day when this phase passes and we are together on daily basis. And that day is worth waiting for.

And something completely diferent...

I have lost my eBay seller virginity and placed few mags on sale just out of curiosity:

More stitchy content coming to a blog near you one of these days... hopefully tomorrow.

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