Sunday, 29 January 2012

I think I said something about this? :D

All things bright and beautiful/ --- The Mailman brought them all... *grin*

dinky dyes - Share on Ovi silks - Share on Ovi

First picture contains bunch of discontinued Dinky Dyes colours and next one all kinds of silks (that grey one is Caron's wool-silk mix), discontinued colors. But they were cheap!

Alma Lynne - Christmas Homespun - Share on Ovi In Celebration of Forty Years - Share on Ovi My Big Toe - This Too Shall Pass - Share on Ovi
Lizzie Kate - Family - Share on OviLizzie Kate - Mind Your Mummy - Share on Ovi Lizzie Kate - Sit for a Spell - Share on Ovi

I hadn't seen a picture of "Halloween Rules" before now, otherwise I had ordered all the parts Sewandso had on clearance...
Lizzie Kate - Halloween Rules - Share on Ovi

Well, maybe I can find them from eBay or somewhere later.

On other news there's nothing much: I have managed few stitches, but nothing worth mentioning. Damned migraines, you used to be good stitching time...

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 469

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Rivals :: Competition
  2. Automatically :: By itself
  3. Bathroom :: Toilet
  4. Jerk :: off
  5. Preference :: Liking
  6. Parenting :: Responsibility
  7. Helmet :: Head
  8. Wave :: Micro
  9. Judo :: *whack* *thud*
  10. Flat tire :: Annoying

Monday, 23 January 2012


... and my maternity leave has officially begun!

Actually it started 10th of this month when doc at antenatal care unit put me on sick leave for no obvious reason - except that my job was quite physical and my cervix was shorter than in last check up, but that could have been just different doc measuring it.

It's just insane to think that if Baby Wonder decides to born now he wont be stopped. As insane is that in three weeks we are full term and I will be in delivery room eight weeks from now if Baby Wonder refuses to born before that.
EIGHT weeks from now we will have a baby - or he is on his merry way out!

It feels like it was only yesterday when I had those two lines in pregnancy test.

And it still feels quite unreal that after all the pain of infertility and all the opinions from doctors I am pregnant, that those funny moves in my tummy is little human being and that soon I will be a mother. Without any treatments, as a result of a cycle where even the most fertile women might not have got pregnant (we had sex once in that whole cycle and I had ovulated week previously... but apparently when I saw Husband again my body decided to produce a good egg cell out of the blue. This is one reason why I call little one Baby Wonder).

I just keep on being amazed. Last night I sat over an hour on the sofa and just watched my tummy move.

Half a victory?

At least that is how I try to see it. My stitching mojo has been mostly non-existent for a long, long time, but lately my stash shopping mojo has come back and it's almost annoyingly healthy.
Though it has been a good sign previously so I'm crossing my fingers that it would eventually also mean more stitching - and maybe even ability to concentrate on projects I have already started...

Actually, coming to think of it, my mojo just has severe ignition issues as if I start stitching I find it fun and could go on and on, but if I have to stop for any reason it's difficult to get back to it again.
Regardless, there is slight progress in something...

Actually there is slight progress in two more things, but I don't have pics of them on this laptop yet (as I may have mentioned I had to get new one)...

Monday, 16 January 2012

Unconscious Muttering

Unconscious Mutterings: Week 468

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Red tape :: Bureaucracy
  2. Crush :: Boom Bang
  3. Magical :: Enchanted
  4. Sticky :: Note
  5. Tile :: Tetris
  6. Doubt :: No
  7. Inconsistent :: Humans
  8. Kiss :: Band
  9. Inspiration :: Gift
  10. Thanks :: You are welcome.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate configuring new computer? Even blogging takes an hour when you try to adjust your blogging client... to no avail, naturally.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Better than chocolate (at least much prettier)

patterns - Share on Ovi
overdyeds_n_dmc - Share on Ovidinkydyes - Share on Ovi

Someone may have taken advantage of Violarium's closeout sale... And Dinky Dyes (20 of them) and Jayne Houtman's Anniversary sampler are from Jayne (she also chose the colours because I wanted a surprise).

Naturally pictures don't do justice to this prettiness, it's dark and I had to use my phone's camera because I don't remember where I put my camera. *grin*