Still alive, which is in fact almost surprising according to what has happened in last two months.
My latex allergy got mad...and now I'm an animal eater, who can't eat anything. I miss good old vegetarian days.
Apparently there has been so many things going on lately and my body thought that I am overly stressed and it launched my hiding allergy. (It's a curse to be sensitive.)
And now I am up only because I was stupid enough to eat some yoghurt with cowberry in it... I don't dare to sleep before I am certain that this coughing wont get any worse.
And love...
Yes. It seems that I'm not very good in staying single or without getting myself involved to someone... matter what happen or where we'll be, be ALWAYS sure about this...Minä rakastan sinua.
And even that was nothing new to me when I got that I am still stunned. In fact I am still stunned because of what he said almost four months before that.
I can't deny that it makes me very happy. Why? Well, love in general is great emotion and being loved is even better but being loved by someone you thought you can never have... (To those who wonder: he was first option, Indian affair was second one. And I just chose according to my knowledge when I started to date mr. I.A.)
I have to say that this story is bit odd but here we are now. Nah, here I'm right now and he's hopefully sleeping right now somewhere over there. Still few months to live before I can say that this is really happening. (We're high-believers, we do believe that this is happening... after few years.
My former mother-in-law said always that I'm too cynical. She didn't knew anything about being cynical. Now I am one. After few hits to the head and few crushed hearts I wont believe him before I wake up some morning and see him next to me - no matter how serious he is with me. (Sorry dear.) But on the other hand... We're similar in that matter.
Anyway, te amo Sonnenschein.
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