Monday, 9 January 2017

He is a special child, indeed.

In his four year checkup Tiny's public health nurse recommended us an evaluation at special needs child health centre as Tiny did not wield age specific tests. Six months and two evaluations later Tiny's special friend got a name: SID, sensory integration disorder. Which explains a great deal of him.

And a great deal of me...

It also makes it easier for both of us as now his special friend has got a name and it's easier to understand Tiny's sometimes really difficult behaviour (meltdowns). And now I see why he did not manage those tests: he clearly doesn't trust his nurse and as I had to leave the room for his testing Tiny blocked the lady out and started to do his own things. He has huge issues with having to be close to strangers if he doesn't initiate the contact - he panics if he has to sit next to someone he doesn't know in a bus, even if I am next to him. You can imagine how it must be for him to be alone in a closed room with someone he has met twice. (On the other hand Tiny was really smitten about that occupational therapist who evaluated him. We may have to keep her even she's not specialized in SID kids.)

Funnily enough daycare was worried about Tiny's linguistic development and it turned out to be only thing there are no worries about. He just needs some speech therapy, like I did, but his linguistic abilities are completely normal. SID just makes him seem like he doesn't always understand. And my family is full of people just like him.


  1. I understand exactly where you're coming from. It was almost 18 years before we found out that a lot of Ryan's problems are caused by Dyspraxia... There still isn't much known about that and there's still very little understanding of it too. But it explained so much about why he is the way he is. As I'm sure you've found, having a name to put to these conditions makes it so much easier to deal with. I'm glad you have a name for Tiny's lifelong friend because it makes all the difference. I hope, going forward, that this makes life easier for you both :)

    1. Dyspraxia seems to run in the family: Tiny has dysfasia (reagrdless how talkative he is :D) which is basically verbal dyspraxia. :D And actually he also has dyspraxia symptoms, which is one reason why he sees occupational therapist.

      It's actually funny as he is very good footballer and enjoys physical activities.
