Saturday, 15 February 2014

I Just Can't Understand Some People

Well, most people... But I digress.

After my brother separated his ex-wife and ended living in Metropolitan area we started to get closer again, slowwwwly, but surely.
Less than 18 months ago we were talking about living in a commune... and how lucky I feel now that it never got into fruition thanks to his then SO and him getting an apartment not big enough for all of us. And shortly after Tiny and I moved here.

He got along well with Tiny (and I was happy that Tiny had a man in his life, someone he could look up to, someone to do "manly" stuff with), and even lived with us little while last year, before moving back to North.

And even after he moved I thought that we were good.

Then I realized that he had actually unfriended me at FB. With no explanation. No heated arguments, nothing.
Had anyone else done that I had just accepted it and gone forth, but he is my brother. And naïve me had thought that we were in good terms.
Turns out he had done the same to my mother, for unbeknownst reason. And apparently he does not reply when my mother tries to contact him. And this is where it gets interesting.

If it were just me one would think that he's just mad at me for some reason, but... My mother and I are close and she spends a lot of time here as she's "doing gigs" at her old workplace (she retired last year, but works to save money for her house's necessary expansion (toilet, sauna, shower, laundry management) so that she doesn't need as big loan as she otherwise would need) and we live conveniently close by.
My brother owes her money, lots of it. He has several monthly payments (loans and so forth) under my mom's name and despite having good income hasn't paid a dime in last eight months (I have certain financial arrangements with my mother too and I pay my share monthly even I am on low income), not even when he slept on our couch.

So, this sounds a bit like someone was avoiding certain people because he knows he's a slacker, because he knows my mom would be in financial hardship is she wasn't working... But it also makes one wonder is he really that thick? Or just have few important screws too loose?

I know I haven't actually been a model citizen when it comes to personal finances, but when you owe money to your mother it kind of changes things. She's not a corporation, and she has been there taking care of your sorry ass since you were born and is willing to take a marathon worth of extra miles for you despite you being a responsible adult.
And if she trusts you enough to let you make debt under her name it should also mean that you don't run away like a coward and trust that she pays it because she HAS to. She will, but she'll never ever trust you again.
And maybe I am just old-fashioned, but to me it's very important that my mom trusts me. Even more financially as, no matter how hard I want to avoid such thing, there may be a day when I need her to guarantee a loan. Or need her to back me up on some matter related to it.

And if someone helps you out of the goodness of their heart... it takes a lot of negative balls to be willing to break that trust.

When it comes to me I have more or less given up on him. I am too old for this on-off sibling relationship game, and it so happens that I don't consider him suitable as a male role model anymore. Which hurts me most in this. Not my loss, but Tiny's... well, it's not Tiny's loss really, but it's sad that men in his life seem to be somewhat, how would I put it.... idiots.

It boggles one's mind.

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