Sunday, 29 July 2012

Uncoscious Mutterings

Week 496

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Alcohol :: Drunk
  2. Pocket :: Pick
  3. Squeeze :: Hold
  4. Football :: Men in tights
  5. Fourth :: Fifth
  6. Snake :: White
  7. Reduced :: Decreased
  8. Polka :: Dot
  9. Intrepid :: Chivalrous
  10. Paula :: Coffee

Saturday, 28 July 2012


I bloghopped first time in... two years?

Mind you, only few blogs, those which had new content in my GR, one shouldn't strain herself too much after such a long time without practise.

Friday, 27 July 2012

EEEK! Lizzie*Kate's Halloween Mystery Sampler, take one

I have worked EEEK! here and there, during evenings when I have had energy, or when I have stayed up coughing due recent issues with my asthma... But, it makes a progress!

Actually I am a bit more farther advanced, but am too lazy to take a picture. *grin*

I'm loving how this is turning out, even though there is one colour that IMO fades too much into the fabric (that is green in second pumpkin's leaves), but I let it be.

By the way out of two active WIPs I have two WIPs which have owls in them... makes you wonder.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Scissors! aka. Sales are BAD for you

One should never follow ads on websites. Never.

Iittala's web store has a sale and upon accidentally (yeah, right) clicking there and accidentally scrolling their sale selection I noticed those pretty little nail scissors and thought immediately that they would make great cross stitch scissors... and as they are Fiskars scissors (read: good quality) 10 € is not a bad price - and they ARE pretty.

And... a stitcher has never too many scissors, right? Right?!

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Breastfeeding: epilogue

Well, at the ripe age of three and a half months our little guy decided that it's time to do something about his breast milk addiction, went cold turkey and since then little guy has been a formula baby.
Shame really, I did enjoy looking at that little guy's happy face when he was feeding.

But, he won't starve as he understands how many fun foods there are out there and eats solids like a big boy already. Oatmeal is a big hit even he has only started it yesterday.
I guess he'll survive without my milk.

Funny thing is that apparently it runs in my family that babies tend to stop breastfeeding around three-or-so months even if there were milk present.
Though in my family babies also tend to get the idea of solids really fast and require solids almost from birth. We have hungry genes.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Birth Sampler: Mama Owl

I have shocked myself! Stitching! Finally got started with the birth sampler for Boy!

Last summer, around the time of our first sonogram, 1-2-3 Stitch! had a birth sampler sale and you probably can guess who purchased a few (I think curious stitchers want to know which ones so let me link: this, this and this - and of course the one we are now blogging about), just to have options and so on and this was one of them.

Naturally I sold that piece of aida this came with and went with natural 36 count linen and I am really happy how it's turning out even it still lacks backstitching, but I won't get to that before the sampler is otherwise finished. (I "may" have to purchase this growth chart in near future.)

Otherwise... I have been sick and hence MIA as Boy has taken all my flu ridden energy.