If you don't want to read (rant) about breastfeeding, stop now.
When I was pregnant I had these illusions of grandeur... erm... breastfeeding, but it turned out that good intention to give nothing but breast milk was doomed to fail quite massively. Because of that darned PCOs.
Like it wasn't enough that it has caused me tons of grief, self-hatred, infertility and other lovely things like that, it has to mess up my breasts and ability to breastfeed too!
I never knew, and no one told me, that some PCOs women, those who have it from puberty ( o/ ), don't simply have enough glandular tissue to produce enough breast milk to feed a baby. Even our pre-/postnatal nurse didn't know it and midwives at the hospital never mentioned about it, if they knew, which I doubt.
Through the pregnancy I just heard about this "if you want to you can do it" mantra... well, turns out there is ALWAYS an exception. And I happen to be one of those lucky ladies.
Today I was thinking that if I wasn't as stubborn as I am I had probably already stopped even trying... but Boy gets breast when he wants to, even it usually also means that I have to warm up a bottle anyway (nights are usually only exception). F-R-U-S-T-R-A-T-I-N-G.
But still... it's important for that little guy. And I mean that as he is a creature of habit and he WANTS.
Having tendency for perfectionism it really bothers me that no matter what I do it doesn't increase my supply. I even posted to PCOs community here in LJ and learned that I shouldn't have.
Even women with PCOs can be so very blind about the whole issue of PCOs affecting to your ability to feed your child. Folks, I have got enough of that "you can do it if you _______" crap already, why you really think I ask from PCOs women about breastfeeding as a PCOs woman... to hear that I should [any trick known to add supply in HEALTHY women]?
Ok, I admit that I was slightly vague in my main question (ever heard of babies causing some level of sleep deprivation?) I did provide more info about the whole parade of stuff I had tried.
I guess I still try just because I am "slightly" naïve and hope to wake up one day and notice that I can produce that 1500 millilitres of food Boy needs on daily basis (yes, he is quite hungry
Like it's ever going to happen.
1½ weeks and I'm starting daily solids, no matter what recommendations or our post natal nurse says (well, I won't actually tell her. I'll just see what she says when I tell her how much formula Boy gets on daily basis).
If I could decide Boy would get nothing but breast milk first six months of his life... but no one asked me when I got this darned thing, did they?
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