Friday, 24 February 2012

And we are ready to go!

Today I got my first maternity allowance and spent part of it at Ikea (and over half of it went for bills - goodness)... Now we have a bed for Baby Wonder and we are ready to roll!

They had really cheap one (39,95€) which I had considered earlier, but decided to get the more expensive one (99€ which is not insane) because you can remove the other side and make it a regular bed when BW is older. Of course not much older, but in any case, he can get out of bed by himself when he is old enough.

This also felt sturdier and looks better with our changing table...

...which I got for free in excellent condition from a friend of a friend.

Health wise... my blood pressure elevated above my normal levels last week and it stays (I check it daily now) around alarm level (140/90) so on Monday I'm heading to hospital for an ultrasound to define the flow in umbilical cord and it is possible that labor will be induced around 40+0 (due date), which would mean... next week!

So now I am just busy resting and trying to clean and so on before next week, just in case they won't let me out of the hospital without Baby Wonder outside of the womb. (I'm cleaning because, thanks to bureaucracy again, Husband is not in the country at the moment. And it looks very much so that he can't make it here before BW has born.)

Though it is also possible that despite my high risk for pre-eclampsia (first born, overweight, family history) they decide that we are ok despite my higher blood pressure and then we'll wait... but I have to admit that I am not at all against inducing at this point. Not because of how I feel as I am feeling good, but because I have gotten this need to meet this little fella.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

How much is too much?

I guess that most cross stitchers agree with me and say there is no such thing as "too much" when it comes to stash, but I guess it's getting close when you wonder when and where you ordered all this stuff when walking back from your mailbox... But still, I have an amazing excuse reason to do it now.

This is a picture heavy entry so consider yourself warned...

One night I was eBay hopping and saw certain Prairie Schooler's Christmas pattern, stitched on black and looking amazing, on sale and of course fell in love with it and just had to get it - and as it was quite expensive there (eBay seems to be insanely expensive nowadays when it comes to stitchy stuff) I googled a bit... and found a real store that had it. And it was cheaper than those ones in eBay.

Of course I justified the postages by buying additional goodies with it, being a good stitcher and all. *grin*

Then I found someone who sells discontinued items and other stitchy stuff cheap (which basically means that I am innocent - I really am!)...

And then I wandered to ABC Stitch Therapy's Clearance section...

I have full series of these, but the scan of the third one wasn't good and I realized it after tossing whole haul to my Secret Stash Cave... but they are all great!

Praying Hand's "Blessed With Friends" has some gorgeous samplers and borders even if you don't care about the sentiments. And hey, it was like really cheap! They basically gave it away for free...

There is one sentiment there why I got this and the last pic explains it all. And it was almost free too. *grin*

"Welcome Friends" just popped to my basket because of the design on right corner... biscornu anyone? *grin*

When it comes to stitching I have done absolutely NOTHING in two-three weeks... my right hand has some nasty carpal tunnel symptoms at the moment and all the energy (not much) I have had has gone to other activities (rearranging the apartment).

And it seems I was tagged by Christine. I will get back to it when I get my brain back.

Saturday, 11 February 2012


And today we are full term!

Though there are still things to do so I hope Baby Wonder is a good statistical first born and stays in the womb for 2-3 more weeks i.e. until due date or few days over it (leap day would be nice DOB though *grin*).
Though if BW comes after me it's more like 5+ weeks, but I hope he is smarter than mommy and decides to born before 42+ weeks.

My antenatal nurse said that she is quite sure that we won't get that far as I have had practise contractions since... before 20th week. (Something my mother never had and she has three kids... all induced and all deliveries were assisted whole way with oxytocin because otherwise it just stopped.)

And, to my surprise, my father promised a while ago to pay for our pram (everyone was shocked about that, I must say) and after some research they are here now!

If we had to pay them ourselves it had been either used (which are also dreadfully expensive if you want relatively good looking ones) or El Cheapo ones from Germany, but eventually I decided upon Ora Taiga as they are at least designed to local weather (which is anything between +35C and -35C and two metres of snow) and have all the essentials I wanted (which wasn't much: big tyres, adjustable/ throw shaft).

It just feels so funny that there is a pram in our home waiting for an user. And said user will be here soon, no later than six weeks from now.

I guess I won't believe it before Baby Wonder actually is here waking me up in the middle of the night...

Monday, 6 February 2012

Unconcscious Mutterings

Week 471

I say ... and you think ... ?

Conditions :: Terms

Transfer :: Movement

August :: Five months

Glasses :: should use

Crown :: Regent

Release :: Liberty

Incriminating :: Discriminating

Island :: Iceland

Manners :: Habits

Sentence :: -d