Sunday, 20 November 2011

26th week

...started today. Of course this depends on which due date you look at, but I go according to the first DD I got from my antenatal nurse (3rd of March). Official DD is 4th (based on last ultrasound it would actually be 3rd if they'd change the dates in latter one) and actual DD would be 7th or 8th... complicated much?

Honestly it's unbelievable that we are this far along already. Two weeks from now BW would have over 90% chance to survive if born. 12 weeks and he is officially full-term in local standards. Twelve! (And only eight weeks of work left!)

Health wise I have been better, though suffered of insomnia/ sleeping problems two weeks... after seeing a doc and getting some melatonin I slept last night like a baby - without even touching those pills. Strong stuff, eh?
What was really interesting was that the doc suggested antidepressants even he knows that I am pregnant and as far as I know most antidepressants are forbidden during pregnancy (and in my case certain ones are forbidden because I have thyroid illness). Maybe he forgot? I think he still has eyes on him...

(For comparison: 13+4 weeks when I had some growth, but MUCH less understandably.)

Yes, I am over 30 kgs overweight, but still I have never had that kind of stomach and that doc has seen me few times too often not to remember how I used to look like. (My waist has grown over 20 cm since July and all to front side.)
Not to mention that it is in their file that I am pregnant...
He has had some smart moments lately, but I guess he is not really a winter person then.

What actually bugs me somewhat is that people don't seem to recognize that as a pregnancy belly... even it's growing straight ahead! If it was all fat it would look different... On the other hand no one is trying to touch the belly without my permission.

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