Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Good and bad results

Because I am overweight, have PCOs diagnose, have genetic tendency and I am over 25 I had sugar stress test last week to check if I have developed gestational diabetes. (Actually I have had two of them, first in first trimester, because of my weight.)
I was certain that I would because my fast levels were barely in healthy level in the first test, but was proven wrong today: to my great surprise my sugar balance has basically improved since first trimester despite having sleep problems last two weeks! 

Though this means I won't get size evaluation at 36 weeks and that birth won't be induced unless we go two weeks over due date... but on the other hand: no blood sugar tests several times a day, less restricted diet, smaller probability for a big baby (well, I was 3,6 kgs back in 1979 ) and smaller risk to develop DM II at later age.

But I also got explanation to my sleep disorder and other issues: my thyroid levels are seriously out of whack, again.   And I missed my endo's call today which means he's out of touch for a while, or so I understood when I talked with the receptionist, and decided to be a BAD patient: I just adjust my dose with same done my endo has used lately and get new test done next month.
He'll kill me, but so what?

Monday, 21 November 2011

2012 WIPocalypse!

I simply can't remember from whose blog feed I found this from, but I thought it might be fun thing to try.

2012 WIPocalypse! by Measi

And the spiel goes like this:

For many years, a rumor has been around that the world will end in 2012.  So really – do you want all of your poor WIP and UFO pieces to be left behind, unfinished?  The guilt!  The shame!  Oh, the horror of all of those innocent little stitchy projects never to be completed!

Here are the rules for the 2012 Wipocalypse:

1. To sign up, leave a comment on this post with your blog address. International bloggers are welcome.

2. Sometime shortly before the start of 2012, make a list of the projects you will be focusing on. Add to and adjust this list throughout the year as you desire.  There are no restrictions regarding new starts for this SAL.  If you feel the desire to start a piece in 2012, add it to your list!

On each full moon (or thereabouts), post your progress photos to your site – even if your progress was slower than you hoped.  Label that post with “WIPocalypse” to make it easy for me to find.

Once you’ve posted, come over to my blog and find my full moon post, and comment that you’ve updated.  I will create a check-in list of URLs each month for easy blog surfing so fellow participants and readers can cheer you on.

Why is it important to post each month even if you’ve made little progress?
You’ll earn one chance, per status post, for a giveaway drawing to be done on New Year’s Day, 2013!  I don’t want to discourage folks who may have issues that prevent them from posting for a month and force them to give up entirely on the SAL, but I also want to reward those who do check in every month.

What will be in the drawing?
Honestly, I’m not sure yet!  That will be determined throughout 2012 as I add to the box during my trips to my local LNS.  If you’d like to contribute to the box, email me (address below) and I’ll send you my address. Clean, unmarked charts (respect copyright – no photocopies!), finished items, new floss skeins, fabric, etc. are all welcome.  If you have other ideas for a contribution, drop me an email to discuss."

I may actually have some more time i my hands coming year so let's think...

1. Loy Krathong by PINN

SAT 19th of September - 21st of September, 2008; finish - Share on Ovi

2. Futurecast by Teresa Wentzler

4th of Dec., 2006

3. Madonna of the Garden by Mirabilia

motg - Share on Ovi

4. Rose Sampler by Ellen Maurer-Stroh

HPIM3998[1] - Share on Ovi

5. The Spanish Sampler by Periphaeria Designs (aka. myself)

The Spanish Sampler MSAL, part III a in progress - Share on Ovi

6. Star Sampler by Periphaeria Designs

"Star Sampler" Stitch-A-Long - Share on Ovi

I'm not quite sure are these the latest updates of the projects, but those were the last ones I found from my album.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

26th week

...started today. Of course this depends on which due date you look at, but I go according to the first DD I got from my antenatal nurse (3rd of March). Official DD is 4th (based on last ultrasound it would actually be 3rd if they'd change the dates in latter one) and actual DD would be 7th or 8th... complicated much?

Honestly it's unbelievable that we are this far along already. Two weeks from now BW would have over 90% chance to survive if born. 12 weeks and he is officially full-term in local standards. Twelve! (And only eight weeks of work left!)

Health wise I have been better, though suffered of insomnia/ sleeping problems two weeks... after seeing a doc and getting some melatonin I slept last night like a baby - without even touching those pills. Strong stuff, eh?
What was really interesting was that the doc suggested antidepressants even he knows that I am pregnant and as far as I know most antidepressants are forbidden during pregnancy (and in my case certain ones are forbidden because I have thyroid illness). Maybe he forgot? I think he still has eyes on him...

(For comparison: 13+4 weeks when I had some growth, but MUCH less understandably.)

Yes, I am over 30 kgs overweight, but still I have never had that kind of stomach and that doc has seen me few times too often not to remember how I used to look like. (My waist has grown over 20 cm since July and all to front side.)
Not to mention that it is in their file that I am pregnant...
He has had some smart moments lately, but I guess he is not really a winter person then.

What actually bugs me somewhat is that people don't seem to recognize that as a pregnancy belly... even it's growing straight ahead! If it was all fat it would look different... On the other hand no one is trying to touch the belly without my permission.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Writer's Block: Check, please!

Man, of course (assumption being that this is woman - man combo).
I am not a feminist, I am a humanist, and traditionalist in this sense.
Someone could probably say that I am degrading my own sex, but that's bollocks. Men pay because I only accept chivalry and I respect my womanhood. Bite that.

That probably was why I didn't have many dates when I was single (though I was bad being single for a long time when I was)... *grin*

Sunday, 13 November 2011


Safe small talk topic, right?

Last year (and year before that) we had snow in October and around this time it was freezing. And we had snow. But this year... well, let's say that the weather has been annoyingly warm, so warm that... let me show you.

04112011017 - Share on Ovi 04112011014 - Share on Ovi 04112011011 - Share on Ovi

Yes, flowers. Summer flowers. And I took these pictures 4th of November. Unbelievable.

What makes warm weather REALLY annoying? All the viruses and bacteria flourish and I am sick all the time. I want my winter!