I think that having a firm infertility background makes person to enjoy pregnancy even more.
Being a member in one family forum I have noticed that many pregnant women can't sleep even on these weeks (22+2) when the baby is kicking, whereas I find it remarkably soothing, and on the evenings when Baby Wonder has his (yes, we have a boy guesstimation (midwife wasn't sure, but she thought she saw something in "there") and I have felt like having a boy since those two lines) kickboxing practises I fall asleep in no time. Though it seems that we are more morning person in there already...
And to my surpise the only thing I dislike in being pregant is this killer hunger I'm having nowadays. I could eat a cow when I have those hunger attacks... Heartburn, ligament pains and such are just minor things and don't actually even bother me (yes, I am insane).
Let's say that by now I enjoy this so immensely that I could do this again in near future .
Maternal instincts
Yesterday I had a stubborn bronchospam and I had to head to ER and my only worry was that Baby Wonder gets enough oxygen, no matter do I get enough of it after BW has taken his share.
Luckily my oxygen saturation was good when I arrived the ER and while waiting (3 hours) I was deliriously happy about that aerobics lesson taking place in my womb. I guess people looked at me a bit long, but let them look.
To my surprise I have bronchitis, again, despite lack of "real" symptoms. And even more sick leave (it started on Wedneday and now I'm off this week too). Maybe I find time and energy to finish one hat I started for BW.