Monday, 31 October 2011

Odd good sides

I think that having a firm infertility background makes person to enjoy pregnancy even more.
Being a member in one family forum I have noticed that many pregnant women can't sleep even on these weeks (22+2) when the baby is kicking, whereas I find it remarkably soothing, and on the evenings when Baby Wonder has his (yes, we have a boy guesstimation (midwife wasn't sure, but she thought she saw something in "there") and I have felt like having a boy since those two lines) kickboxing practises I fall asleep in no time. Though it seems that we are more morning person in there already...

And to my surpise the only thing I dislike in being pregant is this killer hunger I'm having nowadays. I could eat a cow when I have those hunger attacks... Heartburn, ligament pains and such are just minor things and don't actually even bother me (yes, I am insane).

Let's say that by now I enjoy this so immensely that I could do this again in near future .

Maternal instincts

Yesterday I had a stubborn bronchospam and I had to head to ER and my only worry was that Baby Wonder gets enough oxygen, no matter do I get enough of it after BW has taken his share.
Luckily my oxygen saturation was good when I arrived the ER and while waiting (3 hours) I was deliriously happy about that aerobics lesson taking place in my womb. I guess people looked at me a bit long, but let them look.

To my surprise I have bronchitis, again, despite lack of "real" symptoms. And even more sick leave (it started on Wedneday and now I'm off this week too). Maybe I find time and energy to finish one hat I started for BW.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Gosh, time is going SO fast!

First, thank you all!

Yet another antenatal appointment later (which went well, thank you for asking. Only my thyroid values are still low, but have risen with higher dosage so we are going to good direction)... I am now officially far along enough to apply for this:

Government gives every expecting mother maternity grant. It's either a BIG box full of baby stuff or 140 € of money. The box contains about 270€s worth of clothes and necessities (more pictures at SII webpage: here) so any guesses which one I am taking?

This grant was initiated after WWII to support poor families, but nowadays everyone residing here gets it after 154 days of pregnancy (mine is officially 154 days on Sunday) if they have taken care of their antenatal appointments (and got tested for HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis). Many people dislike the clothes because they are so neutral... well, I like personal and colourful clothes, yes, but FREE high-quality stuff is something I won't say no to. And I can always dye those white and bland clothes anyway.

There's actually few things I have to apply for: maternity allowance (paid during maternity leave), parenting allowance (paid during parenting leave) and child allowance. So many allowances (and I still need to apply for caretaking allowance which will be paid after parenting one ends: this one is smaller, but still quite a good sum of money and I can basically stay at home three years, if our finances can stand it, that is).
First two basically mean that for the first ten(ish) months my income is only slightly lower than it is now, child allowance (appr. 100€/ mo. at the moment) is paid monthly until Baby Wonder is 17...

Sometimes I kind of like this Nordic welfare system thingy.

Less than three months from now and my maternity leave begins! Yay!

Friday, 21 October 2011

Things, they are a-changing... SECRETS!

The reason for my absence from online world is small, but still great.

The reason has made my thyroid values to drop, drop, drop, regardless that I take higher doses than ever before.

But it is all worth it. Thousand times worth it.

Only few people can see this post. You are the ones who I trust to keep your mouths shut everywhere else as this is still a secret in FB or in the forums I frequent(ed). And probably will remain one few months.