Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Life is a funny thing.

I have felt like blogging, but I don't enjoy complaining all the time and that would have been mostly what I had done had I blogged.

Shortly put: it has been ups and downs for me last months. Damn thyroid. Damn seasons. But that's all about that.

And why should I just complain all the time when there is so much more to life anyway? And I am able to enjoy the little things, for some reason they just don't make blogging material.

Admittedly I still can't use time effectively, which I blame for that butterfly shaped thing in my neck (yeah, couldn't keep it out of the conversation *grin*).
Schwine thyroid *pronounced with fake French accent*.

But, hopefully, maybe, some day, I will get back to my regular blogging rhytm - or close to it (now that I actually have a life).

Off to stitch a bit, as this URI doesn't want that I sleep.

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