Monday, 30 May 2011

Blog life. And what happens when a crazy stitcher travels.

I haven't actively read blogs in a couple of years (yikes!), I think that more or less after spring 2008, that spring when I first realized that there is something wrong with me and got lost in my brain fog.


Three years ago.

I met Darling Husband that same year, even it feels like yesterday.

Anyway, today I started, out of the blue, collect all my feeds from Bloglines to Google Reader as I decided it would probably be better in the end as I have my calendar at Google too and this way I can get most of my necessary stuff on my iGoogle.

There was abandoned and hijacked blogs, which I just skipped, but many of those blogs I used to read are still going strong so do not wonder if a new, yet familiar sounding name starts commenting. It's just me coming back.

My first anniversary with thyroid meds is on Wednesday and I am still surprised how much the whole thing has affected to my life. And how much it still affects. But life must go on and with time things will get easier, I hope.


My mom and I went to Tallinn earlier this month: ate like horses in an medieval restaurant (see the virtual tour here. In addition to great surroundings (this time we at at Krusensterni Saal) they serve great food), bought Estonian cheeses, dark roasted coffee and... I found craft magazines.

In other words: Estonian beading magazine and Russian Susanna and Cross Stitcher.

And we are going to Tallinn again soon as we, or rather my mother, got two free ferry tickets from tax free (this company gives free cruises after using certain amount of money in their tax free store). We are going to hit one shopping mall... there is a craft store too. Guess where I am going?

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Unconscious Mutterings: Week 435

After a long hiatus, memes are back!

  1. Decoder :: Enigma

  2. Cake :: Yum!

  3. Sense :: ...and sensibility

  4. Geek :: Greek

  5. Cousin :: Relative

  6. Goggles :: Beer

  7. Social media :: Facebook

  8. Butterfly :: Wall

  9. Search :: Look for

  10. Manicure :: Pedicure

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Writer's Block: Spellbound


Stephen King springs to mind without any effort.
I have loved his books since my brother first introduced me to "Night Shift" at mature age of ten and now, twenty one years later I still love his books and when ever I find movies or series based on his books on DVD I get them if I just can afford it (and they are reasonably priced).

When I was younger I used to say that I would marry that man without hesitation if he wasn't already married.
If I wasn't happily married I would still have that opinion. *grin*

Another talented person I admire is Teresa Wentzler whose art I just love and am jealous of her design skills (admittedly her style is her style, my style is my style and I am excellent in my own style).

But still.... Mr. King takes the cake when it comes to talent.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Pretty stash pictures!

I have bought these a while ago (raided 1-2-3 Stitch's Clearance again), but new stash is always new stash. *grin*

Also got some yummy floss just to... erm... justify the postages. As usual.

Admittedly that Lizzie*Kate is a new design, but when I saw it for the first time I knew I just had to get it and stitch it as a reminder.
It was actually partial reason for those DMCs as I love that purple-red combo of theirs and "Forgive Quickly" would look simply awesome stitched with it. On natural linen, /me thinks.

Yes, I love natural linen still. Nothing has changed: vivid reds and natural linen still rock my world.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Life is a funny thing.

I have felt like blogging, but I don't enjoy complaining all the time and that would have been mostly what I had done had I blogged.

Shortly put: it has been ups and downs for me last months. Damn thyroid. Damn seasons. But that's all about that.

And why should I just complain all the time when there is so much more to life anyway? And I am able to enjoy the little things, for some reason they just don't make blogging material.

Admittedly I still can't use time effectively, which I blame for that butterfly shaped thing in my neck (yeah, couldn't keep it out of the conversation *grin*).
Schwine thyroid *pronounced with fake French accent*.

But, hopefully, maybe, some day, I will get back to my regular blogging rhytm - or close to it (now that I actually have a life).

Off to stitch a bit, as this URI doesn't want that I sleep.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Writer's Block: Tobacco road



Yes, absolutely, being the Fresh Air Nazi I am.


  1. Tobacco smoke is bad for your health.
  2. Fresh air smells nice.
  3. Tobacco smoke smells bad.
  4. I am asthmatic. ;)


And smokers are a minority with a bad, bad habit so I am not very much interested of their right to spread that cancerous, foul smoke everywhere (even I am pro minority rights in about everything else).