Stephen King!
'Nuff said.
Ravings of a solo parent, cat slave, gamer, demoness and a cross stitcher with severe case of mojoitis.
Stephen King!
'Nuff said.
Let's say that I don't expect anything, but I hope, wish and pray that we, Mr. Wonderful and myself, are happily married, have been blessed with children, He has a good job (or rather His own business as that is what He really wants) and live normal family life in where ever we live.
This is actually in some terms very current topic as we found out yesterday that my local magistrate has given us wrong information last year regarding those infamous documents.
And I should therefore make some phone calls today - and being the mean bitch I am I will also call another magistrate in the vicinity and ask about the same topic from them as I am not too confident about the local one giving any correct information any more... I wonder why.
ETA: I am not very surprised, though very relieved. I called the Other Magistrate (too much Harry Potter, yes) and they said that the first info we got from local magistrate was accurate, so no need for tons of other papers.
I could almost have the courage to say that He is returning home soon if I wasn't too afraid of "painting devils on walls". G-d willing He will be back soon.
On Saturday evening I slipped on icy ground on my way from work, heard something snap in my left leg and was in tremendous pain. My co-worker called an ambulance (my first ambulance ride \o/) and I was rushed to a surgical ER close by. Preliminary diagnoses were broken ("ripped") achilles tendon or leg bone.
Hour later I was out of the hospital, with a sprained ankle, crutches, prescription for pain killers and three weeks of stitching time sick leave (paid, of course) - thank G-d I have strong bones and tendons.
The funny thing is that even it happened less than two days ago I don't need almost any pain killers and I can actually put weight on my ankle normally as long as I keep my ankle stiff and don't put the weight on my heel - otherwise all movement and weight on my ankle hurts (the injury is close to my achilles tendon based on the pain).
My old me would say something about sounding incoherent, but I know that Mr. Wonderful has been praying a lot because of my injury and I am quite prone to believe He has good relations to upstairs because the way my ankle has started healing is... not of this world.
I have once had sprained ankle before and it took several days before I was able to put weight on it and stop the pain killers (compared to today's, second day of my sick leave, "huge" dose of paracetamol: 500 mg i.e. one tablet, back then it was several times 600 mg ibuprofen). That was 20 years ago, so you could imagine that 10 year old would have started recover quicker than 30 year old... and I can tell this was worse injury than the one I had as a kid.
And anyway, anything that reduces the pain and helps rehabilitiation is good, whether it was incoherent or not. And this is good time for awkward transition to...
No, not *that* Madonna, but the one in the garden.
Stitching has also proved to be a great pain killer and even though I have been tediously slow (even the basic daily things take surprising amount of time with just one working leg as you have to change the way you do everything, which reduces stitching time) and had to frog over half a fruit because I had chosen wrong shade for it yesterday (I was drowsy because of the pain shock, pain killers and sleeping poorly) there is some progress! (Shocking.)
To make it fun I lack few of the colours, and most of them seem to be used on the ground and fruits (and the dress and her petticoat). Luckily 1-2-3 Stitch! does sell DMC to EU area with their regular price so my missing flosses are on their way. Yay!
There has also been one cat related accident when Masa spilled tea over the fabric... Luckily it doesn't seem to have stained the fabric as I ran to the toilet with it (ok, "ran") as soon as I could and I rinsed it.
Anyway, my plan is to make the child mixed race and as I am avoiding household chores I decided to check my intended colour scheme with my designing software... Somehow it didn't work for me - the scheme, software worked well - so I tried with another one... and I do like it, though I have to check it with the floss one of these days. (Though the software has quite good DMC colour compability.)
What do you think?
I hate to say it, but I actually like mixed race baby MUCH more. (Admittedly I also tweaked the mouth a bit, the baby looked so unhappy with the original.)
I hear dishes calling me... wish me luck.
But you are not here and it is all mine, MINE! *insane giggling*
Quite some time ago kill_the_onions sent me some "fun mail" inspired by our little conversation in the comment section of one of my FB status updates, and finally, after taking scenic route from Turkey to Finland the fun has arrived!
Teas are Turkish, but the card is from China, but beautiful nevertheless.
kill_the_onions is a tea afecionado, and I am becoming one, again (after few years of not being able to drink tea at all - it's odd how Mr. Wonderful affects my body) so what is better than be able to taste some tea from country far away? (It is even better because I have never been to Turkey.)
But lo and behold, there was more great mail waiting for me... Belinda asked some time ago at FB would someone like to have Mirabilia's "Madonna of the Garden" and I was first one to say yes!
I had been over the Moon just to have the design itself, but Belinda added her leftover beads, metallics and delicas and piece of 19'' x 26'' 32 count hand-dyed Lugana from Silkweaver!
Now I just need to win the lottery and quit working... well, I have great reason to start this design soon, right? I have beads, design and fabric... I just can't let them gather dust, right?
Actually my fingers itch to stitch it already, but it is half past five in the morning and I haven't slept in last... 18 hours - which is quite a lot when you have laryngitis and bronchitis and you should be resting (though it's difficult to sleep when you are coughing sticky mucus...).
(Though I have been surprisingly productive stitching wise while sick: I have very small projects I have been working on when I have felt like it.)
18 months ago we sat in the back seat of a taxi holding hands and smiling to each other, just because we were finally together.
Somehow it doesn't feel like 18 months. It feels like we had known much longer and it feels like it was last week. But the main thing, and what is most important, is that this feels good.
No, not just that... We, us, our relationship, feels better and better day by day.
(Of course no relationship is perfect because it consists of two imperfect persons, but I want to grow old and cranky with Him and tell stories to our grandkids about how it was back then when grandpa moved to Finland.)
And every day I try to remember to stop and thank G-d for listening my prayers and bringing this wonderful Man into my life. And every now and then I tell my Wonderful how blessed I am to be loved by Him.
Sometimes it really hits me how tremendously blessed I am and wonder what good I did to meet Mr. Wonderful. Whatever it was, I am deliriously happy for it.
Out of these 18 months we have been separated by a continent, or two, for over 12 months and still I haven't felt lonely for one second. I miss Him every second He is not here, but I am not alone, no matter where He is, as He is in my heart.
Admittedly I see Him everywhere, in little things, facial features of people, verbal expressions they use... all those little things remind me of Him, even they have nothing to do with Him - they just are similar, but still incomparable with His ways.
Some of you may wonder why I adress my Wonderful always with capital letter... I do it because I respect Him. There are men and then there is The Man, my Man. That capital letter defines Him and His importance to me.
I love Him. He loves me. He still calls me Angel. ^^
All is well in the world.
Oh, this is just the question for me: within last 12 years I have met all my partners, and men I have had crush for, online (that makes one ex-husband (Dan), one FWB (N.), three significant (let's say Men I could have considered marrying (I actually proposed Sol back in 2005 - yes, I did.
Unfortunately I can't say how it has changed the way people in general meet and form relationships, I can only tell my own experiences.
First of all it is much easier for me to talk to strangers online: I am dreadful at small talk with strangers and I actually don't like it much, even I am slowly getting better at chit-chat. It is also much easier to talk about serious issues because you get time to think what you say and how you react to what other person says to you - and I rather type than talk because I am much more eloquent in typing (and I tend to stutter occasionally when I talk).
All this typing talk also makes it possible to get to know people without knowing how they look like which enables better view of the person as whole when you see how they look.
I am also quite modest about my looks due my background (once an ugly ducking, always an ugly duckling - at least in some level) and the general beauty aspect in West, even I have been constantly told how stunning I am last years, and I rather let people know who I am, not how I look like.
Well, "of course" I use wrong tense here. Many things have changed as nowadays I really don't even want complete strangers to know how I look like or what I think of - excluding Facebook. *grin*
I would say that in certain level meeting online probably lessens the importance of looks, but being honest looks have been imporant issue for me for few years: looks tell something about person's health and lifestyle, and eyes are the mirror of the soul.
I remember when I got the first message, at that infamous dating site, from Mr. Wonderful: first thing I did, after reading His message, was to check His pictures and after that His written profile. (Truth to be told is that if I had read His profile without reading His message or seeing His gorgeousness I would probably have left His message unanswered - and life would be much different from what it is now.)
He was a good-looking man (He has since evolved to be Amazingly Gorgeous (with capital letters, yes)) and His message just made me write back - and here we are going strong, 18 ½ months after that day.
So, looks did matter, but wasn't the only thing. One of the major factors was that He was employed: I admit being nasty that way, but after Dan I simply couldn't consider man who doesn't have a job, as in my opinion man has to be The Man, not just a man, and be able to take care of his family. (Mr. Wonderful thinks the same and it pains Him not to be able to finance our little family at the moment (as He lost His job last year - which has had also positive effect in our lives though).)
In general man's financial status has never had much impact in my heart's ways: but oddly enough in post-Dan life the men in my life have been, how would I say it, financially well-to-do.
So, it is not one thing, or two things. Or one or two things which you don't agree upon. It is the bigger picture.
I found Man with intellect, good looks, strong values (even I don't agree with all of them I respect them), desire for getting married and having children, treating His Lady like the Queen and will to succeed in life. And the most amazing smile.
The thing is: eventually you are the only one who defines how finding someone works for you and what traits you emphasize in others, whether you do it on- or offline. You just need to know what you really want.