Yes, I am still alive, though I wonder where last month has disappeared. Time simply has been running away from me and I haven't been able to catch it yet.
Think of it: in my opinion DCLH came to Finland just yesterday, or day before it and actually he has been here for 6½ weeks already!
No, I am not complaining, vice versa, but still I am baffled. Though, I guess that I should have noticed time passing from the fact that my brother has seen DCLH and we have been eating lasagna for about six times already (He *loves* my lasagna ^^).
I guess I have become the White Rabbit from Alice in the Wonderland.
I just hope that I am soon getting back on track... well, I have my first holiday period in late May so maybe then. Here's for hoping.
There has been a major change in life, in addition to Mr. Wonderful moving in: cats moved (as it seems that He has somesort of an allergy - at least he's not sneezing as much now).
Boys went to live with my mother and they seem to love it there, which makes me feel good as I was worrying about them being separated from Her Highness - but apparently lack of Her Highness is not much of an issue because now they have three new buddies to live with. I have heard that even Seiichi, the Shy Cat, has got into good terms with my mother which is very much from him. ^^
Her Highness moved to live with my brother, because they love each other and my mother doesn't like her that much - if my brother hadn't took her she probably would have been put to sleep and that was not an option because, even though she's old and cranky, she's still relatively healthy for a Siamese of her age. Apparently she's enjoying it there with two younger cat ladies as I haven't heard anything opposite.
Unlike so many others I am still working, actually slaving my butt off as our finances have been quite lousy lately - DCLH hasn't been able to find any kind of job yet (guy has B.Sc. and he speaks four languages) and all my sick leaves affected to my income and bills fell behind... it makes a nice merry-go-round. Hopefully things will clear out, financially, in May as it seems now.
I haven't even been stitching in months, before few days ago - and it's still few stitches now and then...
So, this is my story for now. I try to be around more, but you know where I am if I am not (at work