Sunday, 21 November 2004

Back again

I read this blog from start and found interesting dream:

I really do have some problem with approving the fact that someone can really have feelings for me, that I am worth loving and have a beautiful soul. I got this SMS from him last night

"Good night :) you have beautiful heart :)"

And my reactions to it were...
1. Oh joy! A SMS!
2. How sweet of him.
3. ...maybe it wasn't ment for me?
4. ...he send it to wrong number....
5. ...What the hell am I thinking? Of course he send it to me. :)

So, here am I blaming totally innocent man for others mistakes. Just because my ex treated me like shit I think that A. will do it to me too... :( I am blaming totally innocent man just because he is a man and I've been treated like shit by some men....

I am a idiot.

...idiot who is falling to him...

I am a prejudicing idiot.

So. I have quite much mental work to do before I am back to normal. It's sad that I have to go trough my mind once again to be happy.

Ok, in fact I am happy now but I can't just enjoy because my mind is little mixed... Which is a pity, really.

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