Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Violently happy, again

For someone so sensible I have proven to be really superstitious lately. Last time I was yelling my feelings from the rooftops, now I feel like I should be doing it, but I'm afraid it would jinx things. Because he is as amazing as he was and I love him dearly, more every year passed, more every passing day. Every second, really.

To call him mine, again, is a dream come true.

Ladies and gentlemen, Wolfie is back!

Has been for a while, actually, and I, we, couldn't be happier. 😍
Ok, I lie. We could. But that isn't about us, it's about distance (he lives even farther away than he used to) and finances. Plane tickets from Far Away Country to here just require wad of cash neither of us currently has. But other than that, I'm one very happy camper. 😍