Still here, still alive, still EXTREMELY busy, still marr... erm, common law wife (well, I do consider myself more than "just" a common law wife... actually have considered myself much more than "just" a girlfriend for ages (see
this) - though I noticed that I have evolved from
girlfriend to
my woman lately - which is rather cute).

I have been on summer leave for two days and am slowly starting to feel like an alive human being again in means of energy levels, though I suspect that I recuperate wholy just before I have to go back to work (which is in Friday) - but such is life.
In general nothing much has been happening: asthma is behaving as are my allergies, gallbladder isn't (and I should make an appointment for an ultra sound to confirm gallstones).
Actually what is extremely interesting is that I have lost 10 kilos since He came to Finland without any dieting and that I can nowadays tolerate tea and certain types of aroma enhancers (not MSG though).
Stitching... well, I could ask what it is, though I have one project waiting for me to stitch it, though with this pace I won't get it done in time... well, there's always rest of my life. 
Anyway, still here and waiting to win in lottery. (Which reminds me, we have to check our coupon... *grin*)