I think it's related to another familiar sounding word, which is "stitching" and which I remember only remotely (today is the first day in TOO long time when I have done any stitching), but I guess that all that has been happening in my life (frequent illnesses, work, work and more work and Dear Common-Law-Husband (DCLH from now
Today I had a day off and I have been helping DCLH applying for jobs (I filled the blanks and he provided me information - all the things I learned!) as he really needs one for several reasons, main ones being that he needs to get out of the house (because I have noticed that he is much more wonderful when he does ) and we really need the income (we can't look for a bigger apartment (which we need) from socially better (which he does) area until we both have some income).
And, despite of all the information given it is very possible that he won't get his EU citizen registration approved unless he has a permanent job... despite being EU citizen and despite that being much easier in other EU countries...
Yes, I am kind of getting mentally prepared for plan B (moving somewhere else).)